Workshops, Carry-On Days & Sew Days


Workshops and Sew Days are held in person at Lyn United Church.  For more details, see the newsletters.

Workshops, Carry-On Days, and Sew Days provide an opportunity for all quilters, new or experienced, to learn new skills, share ideas and friendship. They’re a great way to get to know other Guild members better!

Workshops are one or two-day events led by a qualified instructor. Learn a new skill or improve your technique in a supported environment. Lunch is BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) so that we spend most of our time learning and doing!

Carry-On Day is the day following a workshop. Leave your machine set-up and return the next day to work on your project. Open to Workshop participants or anyone interested in a day away working on a project of your choice.

Sew Days are one or two-day events where participants start at 9:00 am and can sew late into the evening. Come for one or both days and get lots done. If you wish to, leave your machine set-up and ready for the following day. Pot Lunch Lunches are a fun, social part of these events with everyone contributing something to share.

All events organized by the Program Committee of the TIQG will have sign-up sheets available at Guild meetings. You may also sign-up by contacting the Progam Chair at . Fees must be paid in-full at the time of sign-up.

Schedule for the 2024-2025 Season

October 25-26, 2024: General Sew Days – In-person at Lyn United Church

November 9, 2024:  Whimsical Collage with Jane Roszell

November 23, 2024: Embellish It Workshop with Heather Tolton

November 29-30, 2024: General Sew Days – In-person at Lyn United Church

February 28 – March 1: General Sew Days – In-person at Lyn United Church

Schedule for the 2023-2024 Season

October 14, 2023: Crazy Quilt workshop with Heather Tolton

October 20 – 21, 2023: Charity Sew Days – In-person at Lyn United Church

October 27-28: General Sew Days – In-person at Lyn United Church

November 4, 2023: Snappy Slippers workshop with Jackie Peterson